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With 543 career strikeouts, senior Sydney Sickels now ranks second all-time in Illinois history in strikeouts and is nearing the all-time record of 592 set by Pepper Gay from 2010-13. ILLINI PITCHING STAFF BREAKS SINGLE-SEASON STRIKEOUTS RECORD She is just 49 strikeouts away from that mark.

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PERRY EARNS 200TH CAREER WIN AS FIGHTING ILLINI HEAD COACH The Illini pitching staff has tossed 330+ strikeouts this season, and have surpassed the previous season record for strikeouts. The record of 330 was set back in 2001. In Illinois' game one victory over Wisconsin last Saturday (April 9), head coach Tyra Perry earned her 200th win as head coach of the Fighting Illini. This is the second wins milestone coach Perry has passed this season, after gaining her 600th career win over Liberty in March. FREE GAY PORN VIDEOS STRAIGHT SWIM LESSONS SERIES.

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